Chris Garnier has over 20 years of experience specializing in accounting, tax and consulting services to the dairy industry and other related industries. Fresh out of the undergraduate accounting program at the University of California – Riverside, Chris was hired on at Genske Mulder & Company’s Ontario office, where he provides a full range of services to clients throughout the country. Chris provides extensive tax and accounting services to dairies, wholesalers, other small business and accounting for manufacturing companies. Chris’ clients range from small family partnerships to very large multi-entity/multi-facility operations in which he helps in a variety of ways including audit/review services, tax and estate planning, entity formation/dissolution, distressed operations, and credit acquisition. Additionally, he consults with clients on various financial topics, particularly breakeven and cash flow analysis.
• University of California, Riverside
• Licensed to practice as a Certified Public Accountant in the state of California since 2005.
• QuickBooks Certified Pro Advisor since 2006.
• American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
• California Society of Certified Public Accountants
• Dairy and Agriculture
• Financial Statement Preparations and Audits
• Tax and Estate Planning
• Tax Deferred Exchanges
• Cash Flow Projections